Modelling Transpiration of Grapevine Varieties in a Potted Trial




water deficiency, transpiration, model experiment, water demand of grape varieties


Plants try to maintain their water content by stomatal regulation in water deficiency. In order to evaluate the dehydration responses between different grape genotypes in a controlled way, at the end of the 60s of the last century, researchers of the Viticulture and Wine Research Institute, the Agrometeorological Observatory and the Central Institute of Atmospheric Physics modelled the transpiration rate of some grape varieties in a greenhouse experiment. The water demand of the grape varieties was based on the amount of water released per 1 cm2 of leaf surface. This was then a current topic, because the traditional small-scale head cultivation was replaced by a mechanized method of high cultivation with wide row spacing. The larger vine size and the higher crop volume increased the vine's water demand. In the months of July-September 2017, we repeated the model experiment with 11 grapevine varieties in the greenhouse of the Department of Horticulture and Rural Development of John von Neumann University. With this, we partly paid tribute to the memory of the designer, József Füri, and on the other hand, we wanted to examine autochthonous-, world-, and intermediate (intra- and interspecific) varieties instead of the now obsolete table grape varieties they examined. For three months, we measured the transpiration per 1 cm2 of the leaves of the grape varieties on a weekly basis. Based on the results, we concluded that some of the varieties are ‘water wasting’ (Rhine Riesling, Irsai Olivér, Sauvignon blanc), others are 'water-saving' (Cserszegi fűszeres, Kadarka, Kövidinka), the transpiration of some varieties falls between the two categories (Kékfrankos, Generosa, Cabernet sauvignon).


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How to Cite

Baglyas, F., & Hajdu, E. (2024). Modelling Transpiration of Grapevine Varieties in a Potted Trial. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 65(1), 1–24.



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