Determining the Type of Charolais Cows by Chaid Analysis




CHAID, Charolais, beef cattle, body measurements, body length


Factors influencing diagonal body length of Charolais cows (n=311) were analysed by the CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector) method and are presented in this paper. CHAID algorithm groups the dependent variables (Y) so that the variance within groups is as low as possible and the variance between groups is as high as possible. The hierarchy of explanatory variables in this study was shown by the order of live weight, height at withers and age of the cows. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd nodus were formed by the live weight, according to the following categories: ≤600 kg, 600-645 kg, >645 kg. Diagonal body length increased parallel with the live weight categories. The 158 cows forming the first nodus were divided into two separate groups by the program, based on height at withers: 4th nodus (n=50, ≤ 128 cm); 5th nodus (n=108, >128 cm). Finally, the 5th nodus was separated – according to the age – into two groups in the last phase of the analysis: 6th nodus (n=53, ≤ 5.35 age, 172 cm); 7th nodus (n=55, > 5.35 age, 177 cm). Grouping individuals within the population would help to identify cow types, therefore CHAID analysis may be a possible useful method in beef cattle breeding.


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How to Cite

Tőzsér, J., Tarr, B., Fazekas, N., & Domokos, Z. (2024). Determining the Type of Charolais Cows by Chaid Analysis. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 65(1), 114–121.



short paper