Analysis of Body Measurements of Limousin Weaned Calves Using a Decision Tree Method in a Hungarian Nucleus Farm


  • Márton Demény Limousin and Blonde d'Aquitaine Breeders Association, Budapest
  • Bence Tarr Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent Istvan Campus, Institute of Technology
  • Márton Szűcs Limousin and Blonde d'Aquitaine Breeders Association, Budapest
  • János Tőzsér Albert Kázmér Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of Széchenyi István University, Department of Animal Sciences, Mosonmagyaróvár



Body parameters, weaning weight, Limousin, CHAID, decision tree


Body measurement analysis is important for both live weight estimation and breeding animal selection and grading. Any method that helps early selection of breeding animals is not only an effective tool in genetic improvement, but also a cost saving, either. In the present study, the body measurements of a total of 311 calves (146 bulls and 165 heifers) selected from a Limousin nucleus farm (between 2021 and 2022 years) were analysed using a decision tree method. It has been found that the correlation coefficient values between the age and body measurements varied from rrank = 0.02 to rrank = 0.36 (n=311, P≤0.01). At the same time, in relation to live weight, the same values were obtained: rrank = 0.32; rrank = 0.77 (n=311, P≤0.01). We can conclude that at this age period of the weaned calves, that the live weight of the calves had a greater influence on their evaluated body measurements than that of their age. Moreover, it also can be concluded that the CHAID analysis is suitable for exploring the relationship between the body measurement and live weight, with its particular advantage by the displaying the characteristics of homogeneous groups.


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How to Cite

Demény, M., Tarr, B., Szűcs, M., & Tőzsér, J. (2024). Analysis of Body Measurements of Limousin Weaned Calves Using a Decision Tree Method in a Hungarian Nucleus Farm. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 65(2), 57–75.



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