Evaluation of Body Measurements of Limousin Young Bulls by Principal Component Analysis


  • János Tőzsér Albert Kázmér Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of Széchenyi István University Department of Animal Science https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5632-1765
  • Natasa Fazekas Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent István Campus Institute of Animal Husbandry https://orcid.org/0009-0002-4184-4616
  • Márton Demény Association of Hungarian Limousin and Blonde d’Aquitaine Breeders
  • Márton Szűcs Association of Hungarian Limousin and Blonde d’Aquitaine Breeders




Limousin beef cattle, young bulls, principal component analysis, body measurements


The aim of this study was to analyse how body measurements, live weight and age in young Limousin bulls are interrelated, and what ratio of the phenotype variance can be explained by a group of them, so what traits should be considered in early selection.

Body measures of 8-9 months old Limousin young bulls (n=610) in two consecutive years from 32 Hungarian farms were registered, and their covariance structure was studied by principal component analysis. Two components were defined, explaining 71.58% of the total variance. The first component was composed of live weight and body measures; the second component contained age. Live weight, withers’ height and hip height measures had highly definitive effect in the first component. Length of back, width at shoulders, and width at hip bone measurements had lower, but still significant effects. Eigenvalue of the first component had been very high, with 58.36% eigenvalue variance. Only effect of age proved to be highly significant in the second component, with an eigenvalue variance 13.22%. As age contributes less, if correction is needed for transforming results of individuals comparable, then it is advised to be based on live weight. Registered body measurements could be considered together in selection decisions, not needless to take all separately.


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How to Cite

Tőzsér, J., Fazekas, N., Demény, M., & Szűcs, M. (2024). Evaluation of Body Measurements of Limousin Young Bulls by Principal Component Analysis. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 65(1), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.17108/ActAgrOvar.2024.65.1.25



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