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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


General guidelines

  1. Only original research articles or reviews dealing with plant sciences (horticulture, genetics, plant pathology, pests, agro meteorology, plant physiology, agro-botany, etc.), animal sciences (domestic and wild animals, feed sciences, animal genetics, animal physiology, etc.), agricultural engineering (mechanisation, precision farming, green energy, etc.), environmental sciences, food sciences, agricultural economics, rural development and not published elsewhere before can be published in the journal.
  2. Articles written in English or in Hungarian can be published in our journal, depending whether the given new scientific results would evoke national or international interest more. English materials are favoured when making up the new issue.
  3. Only manuscripts totally in concordance with the formal requirements listed below are accepted.
  4. Please, upload your manuscript – together with the supporting materials – on the following surface:

Editing the manuscripts

  1. Formal requirements

1.1. Please, prepare your manuscript with Microsoft Word or an entirely compatible text editing software, with Acta manuscript template. Manuscripts must contain at least 5000, but not more than 8000 words, together with tables and figures, written with Calibri letter type 12 pt. letter size, leaving 2 cm margins on both sides. (In case of short communications number of words can’t exceed 4000.) Use black letters on one side of office (A4) papers, with simple line spacing. Please, avoid using headers and footers.

1.2. Chapter and subchapter headings and other separate sections should be separated from the
preceding text as indicated in the manuscript template.

1.3. Known foreign words have to be written as pronounced, in case of those not in common use yet please, use the original spelling.

Next to the English or Hungarian names of species the scientific one also has to be indicated with italics (in special cases even in the title). Breed names have to be indicated according to what accepted in the classification/ breed standard, also with italics (e.g.: Sinapis alba cv. Budakalász sárga).

  1. Structure of the manuscript

2.1. Name of the author(s), their ORCiD identifiers, their affiliation(s) along with the location of the institution(s) have to be indicated under the title. Please, avoid giving full addresses. We’re not publishing the academic degrees and assignments of the authors. Use (*) for indicating the corresponding author, and please, provide his/her e-mail address.

2.2. According to the general system of scientific works and the traditions of Acta Agronomica Óváriensis manuscripts have to be structured to the chapters bellow:

  • Abstract (with keywords)
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • References

Some of the chapters can be merges in concordance the nature of length of the topic:

Introduction and Literature review, Results and Discussion. Instead of Materials and methods subtitle Presenting the experiments can also be used.

In case of review articles the following sectioning is advised:

  • Abstract
  • Presenting and interpreting the national and international literature
  • Discussion
  • References

2.3. The Abstract has to be between 150-220 words, and providing 3-5 keywords is obligatory. Please, structure your abstract according to the following aspects: describing the question, it’s importance, showing the conceptions, experimental design, results, and discussion.

2.4. Those supporting materials have to be provided next to the manuscripts, in separate pages:

  • an English language abstract with the English title, the name of author(s) and their affiliations, English keywords in case of Hungarian manuscripts;
  • a Hungarian language abstract with the Hungarian title, the name of author(s) and their affiliations, Hungarian keywords in case of English manuscripts. (That is made by the Board of Editors in case of international authors.)
  1. References

3.1. APA 7th Style citations ( has to be applied within the text and in References. Aids:

Common Reference Examples Guide

APA 7ht Quick guide

3.2. References have to follow ABC order and based on date of being published. Please, list every title in a new row. In case of references with a DOI number that have to be also indicated!

  1. Figures and tables

4.1.      Please, use Calibri font type in case of tables as well. If possible, do not use differently weighted lines and frames in the tables, as it is specified in the template.

4.2.      Same datasets are published only in table or in figures, but not both together. Please, always refer to the tables and figures within the text (with italics).

  1. Proofreading, reviewers

5.1. Scientific reviewers are assigned by the Editors anonymously. Authors and reviewers cannot know each other during the process (see in the flowchart).

5.2. Opinion of the reviewers (together with the corrected manuscripts) will be provided to the authors in OJS file handling system. Authors are kindly asked to upload their corrected manuscripts there as soon as possible, but not later than 2 weeks after the reviewers’ opinions are received.

5.3. Please, if that is possible in the given field of study quote articles previously published in our journal.

5.4. Only articles in concordances with above rules, and without mistakes can be edited. Manuscripts not fulfilling those requirements have to be rejected. Editors keep the right to alter the manuscripts in length and in quality.

Honorarium is not provided for the articles.

Manuscripts are saved until final articles are published.

Author guidelines


Board of Editors

Szerkesztőségi közlemény

A Szerkesztőség szakembereinek adott szakmai témával kapcsolatos összegző és elemző véleménye.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.